Real Moustache Cups for Men with Real Moustaches
A Little Moustache Cup History
Moustache Cups have certainly been around for a very long time. It appears to have been invented sometime in the 1860’s by a potter named Harvey Adams. During Edwardian times, the moustache was the prerogative of a gentleman and generally servants were required to be clean shaven. The moustache also had its attractions for the ladies and for most men, it was considered to be a necessary accoutrement to have to be an acceptable gentleman in that society. Moustaches were always well groomed – trimmed, brushed and dyed – and frequently curled in order to
maintain that particularly elegant appearance. Curling the moustache was a particularly
popular thing to do and because large amounts of wax were frequently used to maintain
the moustache “lift” and curl, certain problems occurred that had to be overcome.
When steaming hot cups of liquid – coffee or tea for example – were brought to the
mouth for sipping, the steam or hot beverage had a tendency to melt the wax or at
the very least to cause an embarrassing “drooping” of the curled ‘stache. Moustaches
became stained and a lighter colored moustache would become dirty and unsightly.
The solution to
this was the Moustache Cup.
Moustache Cups or mugs were designed with a small ledge or dam across the part of
the cup brought to the mouth which was sometimes called a moustache guard. The guard
had a semi-
Portable Victorian Moustache Guard
Late 19th C Advertisement
During the late 1910’s and into the 20’s and 30’s, the Moustache Cup fell out of use probably because of World War 1 and the invention of the Safety Razor. Although King Camp Gillette was granted a patent for his razor in 1904, it didn’t come into common use until he was awarded a contract to supply American Troops during WW1 as part of their standard field kits. The returning soldiers were allowed to keep that part of the kit when they returned from the Great War and certainly retained their shaving habits. That was the beginning of the end of the common hirsute facial adornment.